Saturday, August 3, 2013

Quotes: Be Thankful.

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."

Gilbert K. Chesterton - British writer (1874-1936)


Welcome and invite a sense of wonder in your life. Put on new lenses. Avoid judgements. Banish complaints. Decide ahead if time that when things go wrong you'll give yourself the chance to respond with openness and flexibility. Perhaps you will find novelty and enrichment where you least expect it. Then be thankful. There is power in seeing novelty in the world around you. How amazing it is to see a tiny ant carrying a treasure many times it's size and weight. Wonder strikes our imagination and sense of awe at such sights. Nature is abundant with examples. Many people react warmly to openness and acceptance and often kindness results. Gratitude grips us in our heart when we embrace the beauty in the world around us. Perhaps you'll have a chance to respond with openness and flexibility today and just maybe you will know happiness doubled by wonder. Begin with new eyes and be amazed

Sharing Quotes from Daily Inspirational.

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