Sunday, August 4, 2013

Quote: A true friend.

"A true friend never gets in the way unless you happen to be going down."

By, Arnold H. Glasgow 


Giving advice is often popular and sometimes offered too freely. When someone asks for advice, consider the wise approach of always being cautious. The advice of others when asked is not necessarily what someone really wants. 

Perhaps it is just an opportunity to voice the issue, ponder it, work through it and then to hear options that might resonate. But a true friend believes and has faith in the capabilities of their friend; enough so that advice usually need not be given. 

As human beings we seem to need to go through experiences for the purpose of a higher learning regardless of friendship input. It is only in dire circumstances when one sees a friend's general well-being become threatened that a genuine friend will step in to protect, defend or rescue from a disastrous outcome. Being a wise friend, one knows "what" and "when" to say something and when it's best to say nothing. 

That's the true mark of a true friend. Consider honing your friendship skills with a loved one. Recognizing and reacting lovingly when a friend is going down may test the endurance of a friendship and it may also save a life. Consider praying for Godly wisdom regularly. Allow Him to guide you so that "His Will" will be done and not yours or the will of someone else.

(Sharing Quotes from Daily Inspirational)

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