Sunday, September 29, 2013

What will you do if someone says discouraging/wronged words?

I can’t get over the discouraging words that I received, because it comes from a member of our group whom I didn't thought would say that words to a co-member like me, unless he or she is not a member of the group. 


I asked in a courteous way, if I can have a Diploma from a short course they sponsored, but he/she answer me, a direct discouraging words which is wronged because the group told it already that if we want to have a Diploma we must just send a request message, this is my reason that's why I asked, but I got discouraged. His/her action put the group in denial, the group told it but he/she denied it.


I can‘t blamed this person, Maybe he/she did not attended the last meeting of the group before they held the said short study event, that's why he/she responds with that words, I had no bad feeling with him/her, I respect his/her position over me, I'm just telling what I feel, it's not right words, I think, he/she should think twice and coordinate with the group before he/she acted.


I been encountered several person like this before, it‘s their attitude because they feel they are higher than the other, we can‘t blame them they have the right on their own attitude, no one can change them but them self.


What we will do if someone wrongly say a discourage/wronged words?


First, understand them, sometimes they are a negative people, they didn't think first before they say something.


Told them that he/she is wrong, but if you have can’t do that, stay away from him/her and watch your move in front of him/her.


If you want something don’t go with him/her, ask someone else who know the matter.


Beware of them; Negative people can be critical sometimes, tend to drop insensitive comments that are hurtful, especially if they are directed at you.


Objectify his/her comment rather than take his/her words personally, recognize that he/she is just offering a point of view and see if there is anything you can learn from what he/she said.


Be mindful of spending time with them, by spending more time with negative people, your thought and emotion will slowly become negative too.


If everything fails, reduce contact with them or drop them from your life.


Be thankful for difficult people in your life, from them, you will know who you don't want to be.


We didn‘t know the feeling of other, we come from different race, there is less sensitive and so sensitive person, we didn‘t know if the words we say is nice or bad to other, so, we should think before we act, we should go down to the level where we cannot hurt their ego or feelings.


Think about this;

“We create our fate every day . . . most of the ills we suffer from are directly traceable to our own behavior.” ― Henry Miller




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