Saturday, September 7, 2013

Quotes: To be free.

"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains. It is to live in a way that respects and enables the freedom of others "


Nelson Mandela - South African visionary / Nobel peace prize



What does it mean to respect and enable the freedom of others? How must I live if I am to respect the freedom of others? Could it mean to be free of judgement? Could it mean that I will accept an individual where they are: their position in life, their looks, their thoughts, and their actions? By living my life to be respectful of others means that I live in a way that upholds others as worthy human beings. To enable freedom in others could mean that by my example of being respectful that others are given the space, freedom and encouragement to choose and explore: when, where, and how they will grow and improve. We each walk a different path in life, yet respect and love unites us all as one. Notice how much respect and love you allow into your life and into the lives of others. 


Sharing Quotes from Daily Inspirational

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